Possible Plans To Pair Charlotte and Andrade On WWE TV

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Charlotte Flair night not be making her return to WWE alone, as she may be paired with her real life partner Andrade.

In a recent tweet, WrestleVotes mentioned that WWE have discussed the on screen pairing of Charlotte Flair and Andrade when they both return to TV. It was noted that the idea is for Charlotte’s star power to boost Andrade to the main event scene.

The Queen hasn’t been seen on WWE Television since June of this year, where she lost a Raw Women’s Championship match against Asuka. Flair has been off of television undergoing surgery.

Charlotte was drafted to WWE’s Raw brand in October, meanwhile her real life partner Andrade has yet to be assigned to a brand, but is currently expected to also join RAW. Andrade’s long-time manager Zelina Vega was released from WWE last month.

As previously reported, Charlotte Flair is currently filming an episode of the Punky Brewster reboot with fellow WWE star Alexa Bliss.

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