‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and Ice-T Star In New Tide Commercial

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WWE Legend Teams With Rap Icon For New Tide Campaign

WWE legend “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and rapper/actor Ice-T star in the latest Tide commercial.

This is a cold call! Tide has brought together two of America’s coldest icons, Ice-T and Stone Cold Steve Austin, to cold call everyone and convince them to switch to cold water washing with Tide. Washing in cold saves energy, saves money and Tide cleans better in cold than the bargain brand in hot.

Steve Austin recently spoke with Wrestling Inc about the campaign.

“It’s the #TurnToCold campaign to get people to wash their laundry in cold water, which FYI, I’ve been doing my whole life,” Austin stated.  “I was an easy convert, and my mother from back in the day, day one, has always used Tide. So it was a no-brainer when they pitched this thing to me with the talent involved. A very fun shoot working with Ice-T, Vanilla Ice and Mr. T. It’s kind of a no-brainer for Stone Cold to be in there as well.”

Austin spoke on how he usually washes his clothing in cold water, so he was able to get behind the campaign.

“The bottom line is, I’ve always washed my stuff in cold water. I’m a t-shirt guy, just a guys’ guy. I’ve been doing this for years, but now, we’re just trying to get people into it. Prolong the life of your clothes, cut back on your energy bill and help the environment. I think that’s a pretty easy sell. I’m all on board.”

When Tide first contacted Austin’s agent he said he was reluctant to be part of the commercial due to his weight. He stated he was 230lbs during the filming of Straight Up Steve Austin, but has since gained 35lbs.

“When they first asked me to do this campaign, I told my agent, ‘Really? They want me in a Tide commercial? Man, I’m a little heavy right now,’ and Tide came back and said, ‘Hey, we can protect Steve. We’ll shoot around him.’ I dieted down to 230 when I was filming Straight Up Steve Austin, but right when Tide contacted me, I was about 265. Drinking Broken Skull IPA’s, I’ve tuned up since, and I was just proud that they asked me to do the spot because it was a lot of fun and very high profile.”

Check out the full commercial below.

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