‘Super Genie’ Melissa Coates Passes Away

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Melissa Coates Passes Away At Age 50

Former professional wrestler Melissa Coates has passed away at the age of 50.

The news of her passing began to spread on social media Thursday evening, with PWInsider and the Cauliflower Alley Club confirming the news.

Before becoming a professional wrestler, Coates was an aspiring tennis player, and body-building champion. She won various body-building competitions throughout the 90s, including the 1994 Canadian Championships.

Coates got her start in pro wrestling in 2005, training with Killer Kolawski, and Ultimate Pro Wrestling’s Ultimate University. She was then signed to WWE’s developmental territory Ohio Valley Wrestling.

Melissa Coates making her entrance at a 2007 NWA Anarchy event in Cornelia, Georgia, USA (Blake Arledge, CC BY-SA 2.0)

She continued to work on the independent scene for many years, eventually managing ECW legend Sabu under the moniker “The Super Genie”.

Outside of wrestling, Coates made several appearances on film and television, including Pray For Another Day, Ultimate Death Match, A Story About Ian, and Extreme Dodgeball.

Last November, Coates underwent emergency surgery due to several life-threatening blood clots found in her leg. Unfortunately, her left leg had to be amputated, resulting in high medical bills, which put her out of work. Luckily, a GoFundMe was set up to help alleviate the costs incurred.

We send our condolences to her family and friends during this difficult time.


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