Jerry Lawler Provides Update On Brian Christopher’s Death Investigation is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Jerry Lawler Still Looking For Answers

Jerry Lawler is still looking for answers after his son Brian Christopher Lawler died in a Hardeman County jail last July. Lawler spoke with Local 24 in Memphis and provided an update on his mission to find those responsible for his son’s death.

Lawler states that there is still no autopsy report from the medical examiner, despite Brian’s death being six months ago. Lawler also states that he is ready to start filing subpoenas to get answers. Lawler stated “Up until this time, we haven able to get any answers from anybody”.

There is conflicting reports whether video exists of an alleged jailhouse fight Brian was involved in prior to his death. Fellow inmates believe Brian did not commit suicide, and photos of Brian’s indicate rope marks are inconsistent of those of someone who hung themselves.

“In the words of my attorney, there’s so much smoke that has come out of that Bolivar jail that there’s got to be a fire somewhere. And, you’re right, if we can help unearth that, then maybe things will change, and it’ll be better for some people down the line,” said Lawler.

Lawler plans on filing paperwork to gain authority over Brian Christopher’s estate in order to file the subpoenas that will hopefully get him answers.

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