WATCH: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Delivers Emotional Eulogy At Rocky Johnson’s Funeral is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson released his emotional eulogy during his late father Rocky Johnson’s funeral service.

Johnson thanked those in attendance before explaining how he found out about his father’s death.

Watch the full video below.

“I was just pulling into work and we were shooting that day and it was the very first day of production,” Johnson stated. “I’m literally just pulling in and I’m looking at the whole crew, hundreds of guys and women milling around, carrying equipment and waving at me in the truck, and I’m waving back and it all got really foggy and it seemed like it was a big dream.”

The video features many of Rocky Johnson’s friends in the wrestling business, including Roman Reigns, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Jimmy Hart, Bushwacker Luke, and Brian Knobbs

Rocky Johnson passed away on 1/15 after suffering a heart attack after a blood clot traveled from his leg to his lung.

According to longtime friend Brian Blair, Rocky Johnson was not feeling well for two weeks prior to his passing. Johnson thought he had the flu, and was reluctant in seeking medical advice

“Every Sunday we’d go together to church,” Blair stated to the Tampa Bay Times. “But he hadn’t been able to make it the past two weeks.”

Dwayne Johnson issued a statement four days after his father’s death, providing additional details on the circumstances surrounding what happened.

“A lot of you guys wanted to know what happened to my dad. He had not been feeling well, had been battling a cold and infection and on Tuesday he had what’s called a deep vein thrombosis, which is essentially a clot in the leg. It was a big ole blood clot that broke free, traveled up his body, and went right to his lung, clotted his lung and he died very quickly from a massive heart attack, just like that,”

During his wrestling career, Rocky Johnson became the NWA Georgia and South Heavyweight Memphis Champion.

In the WWE, Johnson along with his partner Tony Atlas became the first black tag team to win the WWE Tag Team championship.

In 2008, Johnson was induced into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

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