WWE Employee States He Is ‘Forced To Work’, Wants Government To Shut Down TV Tapings

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During Tuesday’s Orange County Board of County Commissioners meeting a WWE employee submitted a comment indicating he is being “forced to work” television tapings.

The employee, who is only noted as “John”, submitted a public comment to the board, and is fearful of losing his job if he speaks to the higher ups in the company.

“My employer World Wrestling Entertainment aka WWE is forcing me to work the tv tapings for the weekly shows despite stay-at-home orders for coronavirus. I am unable to speak-out, as I need this job, and I know I will be fired if I approach my higher-ups. Despite sanitary precautions we cannot maintain social distancing, and we need to touch other people. I request the government to shutdown these tapings, and enforce the stay-at-home orders, so my colleagues and I can follow social distancing rules, without fear or repercussion of losing our jobs.”

WWE has been deemed “essential media” by the State Of Florida, and has been granted the green light to continue weekly tapings.

The company has confirmed a staggered television taping schedule, and claims it is enforcing strict health guidelines.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit HeelByNature.com and Jon Alba for the video with a link back to the article.

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