Jimmy Uso Injury Update, Timeline On Return

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Jimmy Uso Provides Injury Update

Jimmy Uso is currently on the shelf, following a torn ACL during a Triple Threat Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 36.

He was a special guest on a recent episode of Table Talk With D-Von Dudley, providing insight on his the injury, and a current timeline on his return.

“I tore my ACL within the first minute. I had no idea! All I knew was I went down and I jumped off the ladder from 4 feet. I landed on the mat, and that’s how I blew my ACL.” Jimmy stated.  Out of all the crazy things we have done in the past decade in WWE, I get hurt from falling 4 feet off a ladder. Man, I was pissed!”

“I had torn it clean out. I found out two days later that it was an ACL tear. I thought there was just no way, because I finished the match. It was a 30-minute match and we were jumping off ladders. When I watched it back, I tore it within the first minute, so all of that other stuff was on a bum leg, and I have a hard time watching it. I get goosebumps just talking about it.”

He revealed that he has never had an injury in his life, and how hard it is for him to just ‘turn off’ when he got home. His wife Naomi suggested he stops watching RAW and SmackDown

“I’ve never had any injury in my life, period. Through football, putting my brother through tables, doing all this crazy stuff we’ve done, I’ve never had an injury.” Jimmy stated. “To get hurt at WrestleMania this year, I didn’t know what to do. I was sitting there wondering, ‘Do I be mad? Do I be sad and worried?’ You just have to take it one day at a time. Luckily, I have a great family I could go to.”

“It’s hard when you get home. You are moving so much that it’s hard to turn off; it’s just hard. My wife [Naomi] tells me I need to stop worrying and stop watching SmackDown or RAW and just turn it off. So, I’ve been trying to do that and just hang out.”

Based on his current rehabilitation progress, Jimmy Uso is hoping to be back by the near, with the current timeline looking like January 2021.

“I don’t like hospitals,” Jimmy stated. “I don’t like doctors, I don’t even take medicine. I don’t like any of it, so to sit there and have to go under with the whole gown on having surgery – yeah, I tore the ACL and now we’re looking at January. Hopefully we’re back and ready to roll.”

Check out the full interview below

Special thanks to WrestlingInc for the quotes.


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