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WWE Claims Having Talent On Jericho’s Podcast Would Be “Inappropriate”.
Chris Jericho was a special guest on Jim Norton and Sam Robert’s podcast on Sirius XM.
Jericho stated that WWE talent are no longer allowed to appear on his podcast “Talk Is Jericho” following his signing with All Elite Wrestling.
Jericho mentioned that he has spoken with Vince McMahon since inking a deal with AEW, but was told he can no longer have WWE guests on his podcast.
“I’ve talked to him a couple times, but I’m kind of public enemy number one there now. I’ve been removed from the annals of history shall we say. I asked the other day if I could have a couple of the guys on my podcast to promote Mania, and I was told no, it’s not appropriate, because you’re in AEW, I am banned from WWE”
Jericho also stated that although he is not “disgraced” from WWE, some footage was has either been edited or removed that involves him.
“I know they had to take some videos down from Up Up Down Down, they edited some stuff from the Edge and Christian Show that had my name on it”
.@ChrisJericho states WWE would not allow any of their talent on 'Talk Is Jericho' to promote Wrestlemania 35. "I am banned from WWE" pic.twitter.com/ZMUlJsVq8N
— HeelByNature.com (@HeelByNatureYT) March 30, 2019