NXT’s Dan Matha Involved In Car Crash Prior To Getting Released From WWE

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It’s been a wild few weeks for former NXT star Dan Matha.

Prior to his release from WWE this past Wednesday, Matha was involved in a car accident, which ejected him from his vehicle and caused head trauma.

Matha took to social media to share details accident, including photos of his wrecked car, and damage to the back of his head.

Boy do I have a crazy ass story to tell all of you. From the world getting locked down, too getting ejected through my car window and then being released by the Wwe. It’s been a wild, I mean WILD 21 days. Tune in to my live at 1pm and I’ll Drop all the details your little hearts could desire. For the record, I’m alive and well. See y’all soon.


Matha plans on giving full details of what happened later today. This page will be updated with more details as they are known.

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