WWE Allows Select Fans To Attend RAW Tapings

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WWE has granted access to a select number of fans at today’s RAW tapings in Orlando, FL.

As first reported by Bryan Alvarez of F4WOnline, WWE allowed some actual fans to attend the television tapings.

According to Wrestling Inc., the extras in attendance are a mix of local fans, as well as friends of talent. Each audience member had to sign a waiver, preventing them from leaking spoilers, as well as not take pictures. They were provided a free t-shirt for their participation.


According to a post on Reddit, one fan stated he was asked to participate, but ultimately did not attend.

A wrestler friend reached out to me this morning to ask if I wanted to attend the RAW taping. Filming is underway now. The crowd will be much smaller than your usual NXT crowds but it will be nice to see real fans back.

WWE has not had any fans in attendance since March, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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