WWE Issues Statement Regarding John Oliver’s Criticism Of Company

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WWE Invites John Oliver To Wrestlemania 35

Following last night’s episode of “Late Night Tonight With John Oliver”, WWE has issued a statement regarding the criticism it faced regarding the treatment of talent.

WWE issued the following to PWInsider

John Oliver is clearly a clever and humorous entertainer, however the subject matter covered in his WWE segment is no laughing matter.

Prior to airing, WWE responded to his producers refuting every point in his one-sided presentation. John Oliver simply ignored the facts.

The health and wellness of our performers is the single most important aspect of our business, and we have a comprehensive, longstanding Talent Wellness program.

We invite John Oliver to attend WrestleMania this Sunday to learn more about our company.

John Oliver’s main subject matter of last night’s episode was the mistreatment of WWE stars by the company.

WWE shares dropped as high as 2.9 percent following last night’s episode.

You can watch the full piece below.


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