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The Bollywood Boyz Break Their Silence Following WWE Release
Former WWE stars The Bollywood Boyz did a rare interview with Sean Waltman and Nick Hausman of Pro Wrestling 4 Life podcast following their recent WWE release.
The duo spoke on a number of topics including their WWE release, working with Randy Orton, Vince McMahon, and the evolution of 205 Live.
Nick Hausman sent in the following highlights from the interview.
On Their WWE Release: “We Had Ideas For Days”
- Sean puts over how much opportunity they have to succeed
- Gurv talks about how they got the call while they were at the gym and didn’t stop training
- Harv says losing your job sucks “there was a sense of relief”
- Harv says they didn’t reach their potential
- Harv talks about how they were in 205 Live staying ready
- Harv says they are relieved because they haven’t reached their potential
- Gurv talks about the untapped market of a billion people in India
- Gurv says they had patience but now their success may happen outside WWE
- Sean praises their positive attitudes “it was infectious”
- Gurv says they were all about maximizing their minutes
- Gurv recalls talk with Shawn Michaels a few weeks before they were released where he told them sometimes you have to go elsewhere to show them your value
- Harv says they never stopped pitching without being annoying
- Harv says that being booked helps you to stay motivated
- Harv says it’s hard to stay motivated when you aren’t working regularly, you have to stay physically ready
- Gurv says they told creative they wanted to be flown in for every show just so they could do a promo or do the most with whatever they may get
- Harv talks about something like Bollywood Boyz has never been done
- Harv talks about how they felt it was tailor made for TV and they pitched all the time
“We had ideas for days” - On the reports that tenured 205 Live talent was released because they had higher contracts than what are being offered right now
- Harv says it was kind of unexpected because there was talk of an NXT India happening or further expansion
- Gurv talks about picking Shawn Michaels’ brain about how they are always staying ready
- Gurv talks about how Shawn helped them step up their game
- Gurv says he told Shawn that guys like him hold their dreams in the palms of their hands
Crazy Bumps They Took Working With Randy Orton
- 34:30 – On Randy Orton supporting them on Twitter after their release
- Sean says that is a lot of support
- Harv says Randy did not have to do that
- Harv says Mick and Bret said nice things to them too “It’s a badge of honor”
- 35:15 – On the crazy bumps they took working with Orton and Jinder
- Gurv says they wanted to make the most of it
- Harv recalls HBK telling them if you are going to take one bump make them count
- Harv says they would become gifs everytime they bumped
- Harv talks about Randy booking the Punjabi Prison match and how he gave him that moment where he fell from this 25 foot fall
- Harv says Randy had that spot approved and gave him “those ten seconds on a PPV”
- 39:00 – On how injuries happen when you aren’t doing crazy stuff
- Gurv says he finished his last WWE match with a dislocated shoulder
- Gurv says he lied to the ref and said he was fine so he could finish
- Gurv says it happened on just a flat back bump
- 40:15 – On Randy infamously flipping Harv onto the Smackdown table
- Gurv says he was purposefully trying to rotate
- Harv says the look Randy gave the camera after the bump “will be a highlight forever”
- Gurv says they were calling it on the fly

Recall Initial Rejection From WWE
- 46:45 – On how they were part of TNA – Jeff Jarrett’s 2011 Ring Ka King project
- Gurv says that is what put them on the map
- Harv says it was Dutch Mantell who called them
- Gurv says it took a month and a half to put it together “we were just indie kids”
- Gurv says they hoped that would take them to TNA but that didn’t happen
- Gurv says they did get WWE’s attention though because they wanted all these countries represented in the CWC
- Harv says “we are not guys who are just Indian” they are wrestlers who just happen to be Indian
- Gurv talks about how the ratings for RKK were through the roof “30 million people tuning in to watch”
- Gurv says the first promo package they sent to WWE they heard back “We already have an Indian guy, it’s Great Khali”
- Harv credits Jeff Jarrett for helping break them in “he took a gamble on us”
- Both agree this was their launching pad
- 50:00 – On being told “We already have an Indian” when trying to get booked
- Harv says times are changing “look at Hollywood, ethnicity is in”
- Harv says 20 – 30 years ago there were not many Indian talent but now there is just more
- Harv says in Hollywood there are so many great Indian actors
- 51:30 – On what it was like to do the Ring Ka King tapings
- Harv says that is where they first discovered Bollywood
- Harv says Jarrett got them to start dancing and be presentable
- Sean says “You guys just need to be produced!”
- Gurv says they had great ideas they just needed to be able to do them
- Gurv talks about how they realized how to do TV wrestling and make money
The Evolution Of WWE’s 205 Live
- 29:00 – On how this is the end of an era for 205 Live with how many originals have been released
- Harv talks about how they were a little group who tried real hard
- Gurv talks about how athletic the talent on that show was
- Harv says the latest 205 Live iteration was the best because it was under the NXT umbrella so all of a sudden Regal, Terry Taylor and Shawn were watching your matches and giving you notes “You can’t help but get better”
- Sean says Terry Taylor is brilliant
- Gurv says his psychology is second to none
- Gurv says he didn’t like his notes sugar coated, if he’s told he sucks he just wants to know how to be better
- Harv talks about how much it means when those guys shake your hand and tell you how great you were
- Gurv says we are in an era where talent “want things sugar coated”
- 33:30 – On the evolution of 205 Live
- Gurv says when they would do 205 Live after Smackdown it was a “ghost town”
- Harv talks about how they started to become the guys who would work with the new guys which they took as a vote of confidence that they could lead a match
- 54:00 – On where they could land next
- Sean says they are a good gets to whoever grabs them
- Harv “I think we are on the cusp of being major stars”
- Gurv says they aren’t going to go too far away from what they are already doing but are going to take it to the next level
If Vince McMahon Knew What Bollywood Was
- 58:15 – On how they wanted to work more in WWE after Jinder dropped the title
- Harv says after Jinder dropped they title they were strung along
- Harv says he tore his ACL and when he came back they thought they may get a run
- Gurv talks about how they were looking over their shoulder wondering if they would be booked or fired
- Gurv talks about how with his brother out he wondered what they would do but they kept using him
- Harv talks about how Vince was always very appreciative of them
- Harv recalls Vince coming up to them backstage as they were all dressed up and said “That’s fucking money!!!”
- 60:00 – On if Vince knew what Bollywood was
- Harv “Probably not”
- Gurv says to Vince they were Bollywood
- Sean talks about what a workaholic Vince is and how he was surprised by movie references he didn’t know
- Sean “I am sure Vince didn’t know shit about Bollywood!”
- Headline: Samir Singh Reveals Meaningful Moment He Had With WWE 24/7 Title
- 64:00 – On being a part of the WWE 24/7 title picture
- Harv “it is what it is, it’s comedy”
- Harv recalls being at MSG “sometimes you have to find moments to appreciate”
- Harv says no one grows up wanting to be 24/7 Champion
- Harv says Michael Hayes told him to be proud because he was walking out of a sold-out MSG show with a WWE title
- Harv says you have to appreciate stuff like that
- Gurv says you have to make something out of nothing
- 61:15 – On how unforgiving the Punjabi Cage was
- Sean puts over how it was like the old blue steel cage
- Harv recalls being on top of the cage and not realizing how tall it was
- Gurv says Gronk was scared to take a bump onto a crash pad and Harv was falling 20 feet onto nothing but a table