Casting Begins For New Vince McMahon TV Project is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


A new television project is set to detail the career of WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon.

Filmmakers Studio have revealed that they have begun casting for the new television project, named ‘No Chance: The Vince McMahon Story And Rise Of The New Wrestling World Order’. Whilst it wasn’t noted whether this will be a documentary-style show or something different, the casting call mentioned how it won’t be a movie, instead, a ‘review retrospective.’ The project also won’t be affiliated with WWE.

“For decades, there were many professional wrestling territories across the United States. Each regional promotion was locally owned and offered its own distinct brand of wrestling and homegrown superstars . Promoters would often cross-promote their wrestlers with other wrestlers in other promotion under the cooperation of the National Wrestling Alliance which made it easy for wrestlers to go from one territory to the next to improve their craft.

The territories had this system in place that worked well between the 1950s to late 70s. Then by the early 1980s, the rise of cable television began to raise the bar on wrestling territories in putting out a product that would appeal to a large audience. Few tried and had limited success until one third-generation entrepreneur saw the power of Cable TV as his weapon to turn his regional promotion into a national promotion .

Fueled with a bold creative flair of re-imagining pro wrestling as sports entertainment gave Vincent Kennedy McMahon the esteem edge over his adversaries. It was his art of the hustle that led him to raging war on the top territories (AWA, Jim Crocket Promotions, WCCW Mid-South, and many others) and stunting their growth by raiding all of their top talent. It was his novel and bold approach to pitch the Super Bowl of Wrestling Shows , ‘WrestleMania’ into the Pay-Per-View stratosphere that wrestling would forever be changed forever.

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