Crazy Vince McMahon Stories Twitter Thread Goes Viral is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Over the years many stories have surfaced regarding WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. Twitter user @Allan_Cheapshot has compiled a list of the craziest Vince McMahon stories that has now gone viral.

Many of the stories have been told by former WWE stars, writers, and producers. You can view the full thread here, but here’s a few highlighted topics.

  • Vince hates sneezing so much, that when sneezes himself he angrily mutters to himself and loses focus for a few minutes
  • During a bowling game, Vince tossed a pair of Frank Deford’s shoes, resulting in the sports writer leaving wearing bowling shoes.
  • He almost made former WWE writer and current MLW owner Court Bauer to lose control and crash into construction work.
  • After getting drunk, Vince urinated on Ric Flair’s hotel bed.
  • Vince pooped his pants prior to RAW one night.

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