Update On WWE’s Plans To Run Shows With Fans In Attendance

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WWE Hopeful To Have Fans Back At The End Of September

WWE continues to the monitor the situation related to the on-going health crisis, which has halted events with live audiences since March.

WWE internally made the decision to host their annual SummerSlam event inside the Performance Center in Orlando, FL. The event was originally scheduled for Boston, but due to orders from the Mayor, all large events have been postponed.

According to Wrestlevotes, WWE is looking to restart events with live audiences at the end of September.

Being told with SummerSlam off the table, WWE is now aiming for the end of September as a restart for live audiences. TBD

WWE wanted to run television tapings at the RP Funding Center in Lakeland, FL on July 24 and July 27. Vince McMahon was eager to be the first to run shows with an audience, but those plans were delayed.

Last month, WrestlingInc reported WWE’s three stage plan to begin allowing fans to return to events.

The company began phase one with having NXT recruits as audience members. Phase two would involve weening out recruits, and just having friends and family in the crowd. During phase two, NXT recruits would be on standby in case extra people are needed in the audience.

Phase three only fans will be in attendance at the Performance Center and Full Sail University, likely with 50% capacity. The final phase will involve touring for television and pay-per-view events, which the company hoped would be this fall.

Due to how fluid this situation is, updates will be provided as internal plans shift.

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