WWE Bringing Back Taboo Tuesday? [Exclusive Details]

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On July 24th the WWE filed a new trademark for Taboo Tuesday. For those who may remember the WWE ran two PPV’s under the name Taboo Tuesday, the first being October of 2004, and the second in November of 2005.

The Taboo Tuesday PPV  has fans vote online what stipulations and which opponents certain wrestlers should have. Past stipulations included outfit for a diva battle, weapon of choice match and what type of gimmick match should take place.

The PPV eventually changed it’s name to Cyber Sunday, with the last one taking place in Phoenix back in 2008.

Usually when the WWE registers a new trademark it’s for  future use. If this is the case, the PPV could potentially take place on a date that Smackdown is slated to be taped and air on the WWE Network. 

Historically speaking Taboo Tuesday’s have taken place in the fall.



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