WWE Files Trademark For ‘Show Up And Win’

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WWE has filed a trademark for the phrase “Show Up And Win”.

The filing was submitted on August 29 with the United Stated Patent and Trademark Office. The phrase is being trademarked specifically for merchandise use. It’s unknown how WWE plans on using this phrase.

INTERNATIONAL CLASS 025: Clothing, namely, tops, shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, hoodies; outerwear, namely, coats; bottoms, pants, shorts, underwear, dresses, pajamas, lingerie, clothing ties, scarves, gloves, swimwear; Halloween and masquerade costumes; footwear, namely, shoes, sneakers, slippers, flip flops, boots; headwear, namely, hats, caps; wrist bands; bandanas.

Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services.

Check out our extensive reports on trademark filings from the world of pro-wrestling.


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