Report: WWE Requires Talent To Sign Over Cameo Accounts is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


WWE’s edict to cease third party agreements has been taken a step further, now requiring talent transfer ownership of Twitch and Cameo accounts.

Wrestling Inc. first reported WWE will be taking control of Twitch accounts in the next four weeks, including those under real names of talent. WWE will take ownership of the accounts, giving a percentage of revenue to talent, counting against their downside guarantees.

In an updated report, Raj Giri provided details on WWE advising talent to sign over their Cameo accounts. He revealed some key points from the agreement.

  • Talent affirm that WWE is their authorized representative
  • Talent authorize Cameo to make all payments and any other compensations to WWE
  • Cameo will not be made a party in any dispute between the talent and WWE
  • The authorization can be cancelled at any time only if the account is cancelled.

Vince McMahon emailed talent this week, reminding them to cease unauthorized business relationship. A copy of the email can be read here.

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