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Sami Zayn’s WWE Contract Not Expiring This Fall

Following the news of Kevin Owen’s contract being restructured during the pandemic, social media began to speak on Sami Zayn’s contractual status with WWE.

Sami Zayn spoke with TVA Sports back in April of 2019, the Montreal based publication reported his contract was up in the fall of 2021.

“Zayn had signed a three-year contract shortly before leaving for his operations, so with sick time so often added to the length of the contract, he still has about two and a half years left on his current deal.”

Miguel Discart from Bruxelles, Belgique, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

According to Fightful Select (subscription required), WWE sources have confirmed Sami Zayn’s contract is not up this fall, but could not provide any further clarity to when his deal expires. It’s unknown if he had his contract restructured similar to Kevin Owens.

“In reaching out to WWE sources about Zayn’s contract and the length of it, all we were told is ‘It’s not up in the fall.’ Zayn has not commented on the matter as of yet.”

Sami Zayn has been a member of the WWE roster since he signed, back in 2013. He has won the NXT Championship once and the Intercontinental Championship twice.

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